Sell your Clothes
Clean out your wardrobe and sell your clothes in 3 easy steps:
Take clear pictures of the items with the brand and send them to us via email.
Please read our Quality Standards before submitting an item. We only take quality brands (meaning no MRP, PnP, etc.) The clothes can't have signs of wear.
We take a minimum of 10 items per batch.
We will assess and let you know if we will be able to offer your item for sale on our platform and for what price. Your payout is 40% of the selling price of The Dress Shop.
You can drop your items off at our home store: 2 Belgrave Crescent, Durban North. Or ship your items in adequate packaging so they will not get damaged. Shipping costs are for your own account.
Once we have received your items, we will take professional pictures to post them online. Your items will be featured for sale on our website, Facebook page and Instagram.
Please note: we do not buy the item from you. Only once the item is sold on our platform, you will receive your 40% payout.
We can not guarantee the sale of your item, nor give you a time frame. This depends on the popularity of your item.
Once it is sold, you will receive your percentage of the selling price of the item. We will make an EFT payment.
If for some reason the item doesn't get sold or you changed your mind about selling it, you can collect it at any time.
Consignment Timeline
We put every single item through a quality inspection. We professionally photograph every item to help them sell quickly. We write detailed product descriptions to ensure accuracy. Pricing is determined by many factors, including the estimated retail price, brand, seasonality, and quality of each item. We carefully package and ship your items out to buyers. Once they have received their package, you will get paid out.

Ask yourself: Would I give this to my best friend?
We only accepts items with:
NO SIGNS OF WEAR - Including pilling, fading, and shrinkage.
NO DAMAGE - Such as missing or broken parts, rips, stains, or odors.
NO LOW COST BRANDS - Such as Mister Price, PnP, Legit, etc.
Read more about Quality Standards.

Cleaning out for the planet
There is a fashion waste crisis. It matters that we throw 26 billion pounds of clothing into global landfill every year. There are already enough awesome clothes on the planet (and in your closet!). Let's wear them! Join us in a resale revolution. We are so happy you have made it this far, to help pave the way for a more sustainable fashion future.